Tuesday, July 15, 2014

More of My Favorite Things

It happens.
I completely forgot to blog yesterday.
I am amazed I made it this far into blogging, before I forgot.
I tend to forget things easily.
Especially if life gets in the way.
Which happens a lot in the summer.
Summer is life.
It can get in the way all it likes.
It gets in the way, and I am glad.
Glad for the sun, the warmth, the greenery all around.
Glad for the lake, the cool, beautiful, fresh water.
Glad to sit by the water and catch up with family, friends and good books.
Loving fresh, locally grown produce.
Loving the many celebrations of life and love throughout the summer time.
Loving watching my children grow up next to their cousins, as I grew up next to mine.
I even love making sure there is time to do everything we want to do in the summer!
What do you look forward to in summer time?
What things do you love about summer?
I love life, so I love summer.
Summer is life.

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